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Crowd Reaction to Iron Man’s Snap Shared By Russo Brothers


Image Edit By The Direct Beta


During April, fans had the treat to learn more about the MCU, with various writers and directors previously answering fan questions via Twitter and sharing their favorite MCU moments.

For example, fans have learned that it was Rocket who found out Tony and Nebula at the beginning of the 2019 Avengers: Endgame and that Groot was initially considered as a victim of a brain injury to help explain his language to audiences at the 2014 Guardians of the Galaxy. Now, the Russo Brothers have taken to Twitter to share one last moment that has had a greater impact on the MCU than the others.

In a tweet on April 29, by the Russo Brothers contained a video shot by Joe Russo of the audience at UCLA’s Regency Village Theater on the opening night of Avengers: Endgame. The video shows the audience’s reaction to the moments that lead to the most important point of the Endgame – Tony Stark’s memorable Infinity Snap. When Tony snapped his fingers in the video, he finally ends Thanos’ quest for tyranny, and the audience is completely (and rightly) in pure awe and excitement of what just happened.

The Russo Brothers recently took some time to reflect on the success of the Endgame and the success that came with it, and shared that they first ventured into the premiere to experience the fan reaction to their work. It is the fact that Joe Russo himself felt the need to capture the response of this scene of the audience shows that he knew this was one of the greatest moments in MCU history. The project meant so much to the Russo Brothers, so they decided to record a moment to prove how successful they were at giving the MCU fandom what it never knew it wanted.

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