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Daredevil In Spider-Man 3? Why It Probably Won’t Happen

MCU Fans Might Get Daredevil And Spider-Man Together Very Soon

Rumor has it that Spider-Man 3 will feature Dare Devil. A crossover is unlikely between the two, but some things could happen.

Fans would love to see Matt Murdock, aka Daredevil, appear as Peter Parker‘s lawyer in Spider-Man 3, but it’s unlikely to happen. MCU movies have never used or referenced the Netflix series, leaving them as a weird MCU off-shoot, such as Agents of SHIELD.

Daredevil Is Rumored For Spider-Man 3

The main source of the latest rumor that Daredevil will appear in Spider-Man 3 is Kevin Smith. Smith talked about how the next Spider-Man movie would see Peter having a lawyer. While not a significant development in itself, Peter’s lawyer could be Matt Murdock, played by Charlie Cox in the Netflix Daredevil series. After Smith talked about it, the rumor gained a lot of traction across the internet.

Why Daredevil In Spider-Man 3 Makes Sense For The Story

Charlie Cox As Daredevil

Matt Murdock‘s day job is to be a lawyer, which is really needed here. In the eyes of the public, Spider-Man has gone from hero to murderer – accessing the story as Matt Murdock being a lawyer, helps turn things around. This is a good crossover opportunity, a small thing that fits naturally better than a big event crossover like the Avengers movies.

The Problems With Including Daredevil In Spider-Man 3

The biggest problem with this crossover is the deal with the Marvel Netflix series, which Disney signed years ago for streaming. The deal gave Netflix rights to Marvel characters who appeared in Disney-produced shows for Netflix. This caused problems as Disney was trying to put Daredevil or other Marvel Netflix characters into other MCU film or TV projects.
Rumors suggest that Disney may use characters starting two years after the respective series were canceled. This means that Daredevil can be used in Disney MCU properties from November 2020. Currently, Spider-Man 3 is set to begin shooting in July 2020.

How Daredevil Could Still Appear In Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3 is still likely to be delayed as coronavirus outbreak halts production across Hollywood. The delay in pushing back Spider-Man 3 is undesirable for many reasons, especially with the weak relationship between Sony and Disney. Positively, it increases the chances of Daredevil and Spider-Man crossing over.

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