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One Piece Chapter 1054 Release Date, Raw Scans, and More Details

Keep reading this article to find out more about One Piece Chapter 1054.

About One Piece

One Piece is a Japanese manga series that has been running for almost 2 decades now since its initial release on 22nd July 1997. It is written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda and revolves around the protagonist Monkey D. Luffy and the crew members of the Strawhat Pirates.

One Piece Chapter 1053 Recap

Despite the Five Elders’ best efforts to conceal the information, Morgans divulges the full scope of Luffy, Law, and Kid’s new bounty. Each has a reward of Beli.png 3,000,000,000. The pirate crew of the Law reacts to the reward posters.

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Robin discovers that Tenguyama Hitetsu is actually Kozuki Sukiyaki and that Pluton is in Wano Country as the festival begins. A massive event is taking place in the Flower Capital, with people applauding the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance.

In a flashback, Luffy instructs Momonosuke not to notify the Wano residents about him since he has no dreams of becoming a hero. Ryokugyu starts undertaking preparations to attack the pirates without Sakazuki’s permission.

Kid informs Luffy that he, Buggy, Shanks, and Blackbeard have been dubbed the “Four Emperors.” An irritated Kid comes up to Luffy, presents him the newspaper and informs him that he has come to murder him.

One Piece Chapter 1054 Spoilers

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You will be able to get the spoilers for the upcoming chapter from the raw scans that are released some days before the official release date. However, it seems like since Aramaki is seen heading towards the Flower Castle, we can expect some pretty exciting battle sequences.

One Piece Chapter 1054 Release Date

One Piece Chapter 1054 is scheduled to be released on the 26th of June 2022. Every new chapter of One Piece gets released after a gap of every 7 days. However, according to many, One Piece manga will be on a hiatus for a month because of Oda’s health. However, the release timings differ based on what part of the globe you are based in.

  1. Pacific Time: 8 AM
  2. Central Time: 10 AM
  3. Eastern Time: 11 AM
  4. British Time: 4 PM
  5. European Time: 5 PM
  6. Indian Time: 8.30 PM

Where To Read

You can read the latest chapter of One Piece on Viz Media and MangaPlus.

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