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Infinity War Concept Art :Thanos Sucks Out The Avengers’ Souls

Is Thanos Related To The Eternals? Marvel Has Officially Confirmed

image: Thanos| Avengers Infinity War

Peter Puts Guardians Soul Back Avengers Infinity War Deleted Scene Endgame References Breakdown

A new Avengers: Infinity War concept art shows Thanos (Josh Brolin) using the Soul Stone to suck out the souls from heroes’ bodies.

The latest reveal is a piece of artwork, that wasn’t translated onto the big screen.

As Infinity War assembled all the pockets of the MCU, it boasted a huge star cast, which posed some challenges for filmmakers in terms of balancing screen time. Russos had to be really well to make sure all the characters were given time to shine, resulting in the film splitting the heroes into mini-groups, with the main focus being on Thanos. While war began in Wakanda with Black Panther and Captain America charging against Thanos‘ minions, Mad Titan was on his own planet Titan, where he raged against Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Iron Man, and some of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Fresh from gaining the Soul Stone in Vormir by sacrificing Gamora, Thanos was ambushed by the combined forces of New York-based and galactic heroes. Clearly, there is a fight sequence that doesn’t make it into the final cut of the Infinity War. As shown in this concept art created by John Staub, this scene shows Thanos using Soul Stone to separate the heroic souls from their physical bodies. Check out the pictures below:

Tom Holland revealed that this particular scene was also filmed. While doing press rounds for last year’s Spider-Man: Far From Home, he explained what’s happening in this scene. However, unlike the concept art, only the Guardians of the Galaxy feels affected, as Spider-Man needs to help cosmic heroes regain their astral forms in their bodies, he said.

While it may not make the final Infinity War cut, fans saw Thanos using Soul Stone – albeit in a subtle way. As Doctor Strange puts out a spell to clone himself in an attempt to confuse the villain, Thanos uses the same stone to identify him where the real hero is. Other than that, there is no use of that particular gem in Avengers: Endgame.

As of now, there are no Infinity Stones in the primary MCU timeline. All that Thanos had were exterminated at the beginning of the Endgame, and Captain America returned what he got from the Time Heist. Unlike the other five, Soul Stone is most underused out of all gems as it doesn’t show up until Avengers: Infinity War.

Curious as to whether Marvel Studios will ever revisit it and the rest of the stones in the future, but for now, it does not look like it will be clear in any upcoming projects.

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