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Loki Episode 3 Just Revealed That The TVA Workers Are Variants

Loki just revealed that the TVA workers are Variants

Remember how Miss Minutes says in the first episode of “Loki” that the TVA works to maintain the Sacred Timeline by keeping Variants in check? Yeah, that mission statement actually comes with a pretty big caveat, because it looks like the TVA workers themselves are Variants … even though they’re unaware of the situation.

Granted, this bit of information comes from Sylvie, as she calls herself — who’s dead-set on reaching the TVA’s mysterious Time Keepers. Despite the fact that her life has been rather different from the Loki Variant who stars in the show, she is still one, so there’s always a chance that it’s all some sort of an elaborate con. Still, it’s clear the viewers are currently meant to run with this information.


Provided that this information is true — and right now, there’s no reason to believe that it isn’t — the fact that the TVA is full of unwitting Variants raises some interesting implications about, say, the nature of the mysterious another analyst that Ravonna Renslayer uses when she’s not dealing with Mobius.


Could this hitherto unseen character simply be another time-displaced Mobius Variant that the one viewers know is currently unaware of? Could Renslayer really have two versions of her best agent at her disposal? What happens if the two meet? Have you already seen them both, and just don’t know it yet?

Only future episodes of “Loki” can reveal what’s going on within the confines of the TVA building — and fans can’t wait to find out.

New episodes of “Loki” are available for streaming every Wednesday on Disney+.


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