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Ways In Which The Spider-Man Can Appear In Venom 2

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Spider-Man To Appear In Venom 2

With Venom and Morbius agreeing to connect to the MCU, fans are hoping to see Spider-Man in Venom 2 – and there are a few ways that could happen.

Venom 2 is currently underway, and with a new deal between Sony and Marvel, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is set to stay some time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with fans hoping that Venom and Spider-Man will eventually come together on the big screen – and there are a couple of things that could happen here.


Venom’s box office numbers were good enough for Sony to keep up with other Marvel-related projects which are linked to the current version of Spider-Man. This year will see Morbius, which has already been confirmed to be connected to the MCU and will probably continue the story of Venom 2.

Many fans are now believing more than ever that Spidey will feature in one of Sony’s films, specifically Venom 2, as the Morbius trailer confirmed that it would not ignore Spider-Man and the MCU. It makes more sense after an interesting mid-credits scene in Spider-Man: Far From Home. This made it possible for a Spider-Man/Venom encounter that can happen organically and in ways that help both stories. Here are some ideas.

Eddie Brock Could Investigate Spider-Man

Venom introduced the audience to Eddie Brock, an investigative journalist with comes across an alien symbiote while investigating the experiments at the Life Foundation, which include humans and symbiotic life forms. Eddie did not count on him to be a symbiotic host, which manifested itself as a gigantic creature around his body and gave him special abilities. We saw that by the end of the film, Eddie returned to journalism.

Spider-Man, on the other hand, has left viewers with a major cliffhanger. After defeating Mysterio and his army of drones, everything seems to be back to normal – until the scene of the middle credits occurs. In which, J. Jonah Jameson (now on aired footage of a London incident in which Mysterio framed Spider-Man for the destruction and his death and revealed his secret identity.

It is possible that Eddie Brock has heard the scandalous news about Spider-Man / Peter Parker, and that makes for a good investigation. This could be a guest appearance by Spider-Man or a proper meeting between the two that suit both stories and universes.

Venom Could Fight Spider-Man In Venom 2

It is not known how Peter handles the big reveal, but he certainly runs away because he is in danger along with Aunt May, his friends etc. Peter may flee to the other side of the country, where he can easily cross paths with Venom – and how that encounter can lead to a much-anticipated fight between the two.

Another possibility is that their meeting and eventual fight maybe due to Carnage, who is now running wild and free as seen in the set photos, and brings together Venom and Spider-Man – and begins a fight.

Venom & Spider-Man Could Work Together

Venom and Spider-Man are likely to be included after a couple of shots. Thanks to Mysterio’s video, Spider-Man is now a villain in the eyes of the whole world, but Eddie / Venom can finally realize that Peter is a really good guy, inspiring them to work together for a while.

Could Just Have A Minor Cameo

Sony won’t give it up before Venom 2 ends, which is understandable. Of course, there are many ways Spider-Man’s guest appearance can happen: from a real conversation with Eddie Brock /Venom (friendly or not) to a small conversation with little or no dialogue. Again, considering Spider-Man’s current position as public enemy # 1, his guest appearance on Venom 2 could come in the shape of a newspaper title, news bulletin by who else than J. Jonah Jameson.

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