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The Witcher S2: Adds More Monsters That Cannot Be Killed By A Witcher


Higher Vampires can hide in plain sight, and there is no way for a human or even a Witcher to detect it with his medallion.

Yup, that’s how good they are. Oh, to add to this, they are immortal too. Just hope you never piss off one of them.

Season 2 monsters

The Witcher season 2 is gearing up for its end schedule, and fans are excited because of the enormous amount of content they are getting.

From the reports suggesting Nivellen entry and Vereena the Bruxa, video games fans and Book fans are already too excited to see how these monsters will be brought to life.


With the introduction of Bruxae, we know that it is time we learn about the Higher Vampires. Now, to the unknown, Bruxae is the Witcher world equivalent of real-world Vampires.


But don’t think they are as simple as the ones we know. They may have some characteristics that resemble a vampire also might have the form of the bat, but they are nothing like the ones we know.

Nothing like the ones we know

Yes, they can take the form of a bat and drink blood and are immortal, but that’s not only it. These vampires and their types, which we might come across in the second season, can drink blood, but they are not in need of it to survive.


Blood is just a form of alcohol to them and not a need to survive. That alone puts them in a different league.

This stuff is common to most Vampire creatures in the Witcher Universe, but Higher Vampires are a class apart.

What are Higher Vampires?

They are just some of the most intelligent creatures in the Witcher Universe who have the ability to hide in plain sight. Not even a Witcher medallion can detect them.

They don’t bother with the humans, but they will only reveal when they deem fit. If they are revealing themselves, then it’s probably to help or to kill. They are known to do both.

They don’t necessarily live in the forest or far from the human population too.

What makes them special?

Vereena Bruxa By Jana

Well, for one, they can take the form of humans and can show no signs of a vampire. They can walk in the sun, they are unaffected by Silver, and they don’t need blood to survive.

They like living in the cities and not in a dark abandoned cave. Another thing worse than them being this smart and can evade any detection is that they cannot be killed.

The only way a Higher Vampire can be killed is by its own species. They are not affected by Silver, and any dire injury caused by others will just put them in a regenerative state, slowly healing over time.

No powerful mage or a champion Witcher can kill them immediately. It’s a stroke of luck for the Witchers that they are rare, and they are not all interested in killing humans.

They are highly powerful, and each one possesses different abilities, so the opponent has no clue what the one he is facing can do.

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