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Why Did A Spaceship attack Bruce Banner and Jen Walters In She-Hulk?

The Spaceship That Caused The Crash In She-Hulk

We are bubbling with revelations and information of the past with the first episode of She-Hulk Attorney at Law.

We are unsure how they managed to give out so many details in just a 35-minute episode. Anyway, from the shocking revelation that Captain America is not a virgin to Tony Stark’s even more amount of savagery, we get a lot of things to reminisce about the OG Avengers.

Why did a spaceship attack Bruce Banner and Jen Walters?

It is not new for an Avenger to have a target on his back; if you could put it nicely, if they don’t have people chasing them, then they have no use.

Now, even though the number of people chasing after you can help prove your worth and power as an Avenger, this spaceship in She-Hulk Attorney at Law’s first episode came out of nowhere.

What spaceship hit Bruce Banner and Jen Walters?

Now, at that moment, all we could see was that it was golden and in a few seconds, we see them tumbling round the side grail.

Now, after Jen Walters turns green and gets some rage out of her system, she is taken to Bruce Banner’s sprawling beachside house, which he built up during the blip.

In that scene, we get the information about the spaceship where Bruce says It is a Sakaaran Class-Eight courier craft.

Why is Sakaar looking for Bruce Banner?

Now, before we get into that, this spaceship may have caused the birth of She-Hulk in the end, but it did not look like it was about to open fire.

Also, we don’t think the Grand Master is foolish enough to send a courier craft after the Incredible Hulk if he plans on taking him out since he ditched the competition.

According to the comics, the spaceship was sent to convey the message about Bruce Banner’s Sakaaran son.

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