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Ethics Policy

Our Ethics Pledge at

At, we’re committed to being your trusted source for entertainment news. That means upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity. Our team have strict ethical standards in place. Here’s the ethics pledge we’ve made to our readers:

Accuracy is Everything
Our editorial team are true fact-checking ninjas. We’ll never knowingly report false or misleading information. We triple-check our sources, consult experts, and make sure the news we bring you is 100% accurate. You can visit our Verification and Fact-Check policy to read details about the same.

Objectivity is a Must
We keep our personal opinions, political leanings, and any potential conflicts of interest out of our reporting. Our journalists aren’t allowed to accept gifts or favours that could compromise their objectivity. We have disclosed our Ownership / Funding information in our website for better transparency.

Protecting Privacy & Wellbeing
While we believe in the public’s right to know, we also know when to draw the line. Our team is trained to be sensitive when covering topics like tragedy or mental health, and we aim never to publish anything that could cause undue harm.

Transparency is Key
We’re an open book. If there’s something important to know about our reporting process or decision-making, we’ll share it. You can find all the information that we are obligated to publish about the organisation on your social media pages. We try to answer any concern regarding the same within 24-48 hours.

Diversity Powers Our Reporting
Our newsroom reflects the full diversity of the entertainment industry and the communities we serve. We seek out a range of perspectives to ensure our coverage is truly representative. You can visit our Diversity Staffing Report for more details.

This ethics policy isn’t just words on a page – it’s the foundation that guides everything we do at By upholding these principles, we aim to keep your trust and elevate the standards of journalism.

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