What Hobbs & Shaw meant by “In life things happen” in the movie

Hobbs & Shaw

Hobbs & Shaw movie depicts moments or days when you want to make the best of the situation, but things don’t always work out. You wish for some events not to occur, yet they do.

They did take place because they had to. Things unfold as the cosmos intended, and you can do nothing about it. Sometimes things go as planned, and sometimes they don’t.

Hobbs and Shaw Focus

Hobbs & Shaw (2019) Movie Review

The solution is to be the greatest at what you’re doing and give it everything you’ve got. It’s not a fantastic strategy to be concerned about what you haven’t made up. You’ll only feel anxious or depressed about this.

You want to make the most of your day, yet all you receive is nothing. You obsess over what you couldn’t accomplish and cling to the past. You wanted to do many things, but they didn’t turn out how you wanted them to.

Everything happens for a reason, we’ve all heard. Never forget this, and keep going since you are the only one who can ultimately help yourself. You can be the best even when things aren’t going well. Give it a go!

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