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Hugh Jackman And Wife Deborra’s Big Age Difference That Shocked Hollywood


Hugh Jackman is a worldwide famous actor, and something about him and his wife Deborra-Lee Furness’ age difference had the whole of Hollywood in awe.

The Doting Couple who celebrated their Silver Jubilee

Hugh Jackman has been and will always be one of the most loved stars of Hollywood. He is immensely talented, humble, and the perfect husband to wife Deborra, and the best father to his adopted children.

He has been in the news for a lot of things, and it has always been for something good. Well, people did try to call him out of the closet, saying he is bisexual. On the other hand, he didn’t defend himself and just said defending in a case like this would make it look like something is wrong with being a bisexual.

He is also known for calling his wife Deborra Lee Furness Deb on and off the internet. Many times, we have had Ryan Reynolds try pulling that same thing too with Jackman’s wife.

Is Deborra Lee Furness older than Hugh Jackman?

Yes, the Australian actor and now philanthropist is 13 years older than Hugh Jackman. But age was never a problem for them, and they have always loved each other.

Deborra has even said that Hugh Jackman behaves like the old guy because he actually has an old soul. Well, soul mates don’t require an age limit, and many have proven that.

But their marriage did put the whole of Hollywood in shock. Jackman got worldwide fame ever since he debuted as Wolverine for Fox, and it has been a smooth ride from that.

Hugh Jackman claims that he has hung his claws for good, but fans are not convinced.

Does Hugh Jackman have adopted children?

Yes, Jackman and Deborra Lee underwent two miscarriages, and that resulted in them opting for adoption.

They both sent a message even with that by adopting mixed-race babies who are never on anyone’s preferred list for adoption.

Even though they are not the normal perfect conventional couple, they both make a wonderful pair and the best parents for Oscar Maximilian and Ava Eliot.


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