Watcher Broke His Own Rule For Doctor Strange And Story Doesn’t End Here
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Watcher Broke His Own Rule For Doctor Strange And Story Doesn’t End Here

In Marvel’s What If…? Episode 4, an unexpected turn of events was witnessed. Doctor Strange became a sorcerer not by losing his hands but his love Christine. Nevertheless, the death of Christine becomes a driving force for Strange later compels him to choose the dark path. Read this too: Who Was Cagliostro and How OBengh…

Who Is The Watcher In What If…? All We Know About The Character

Who Is The Watcher In What If…? All We Know About The Character

We’re just a few days away from Marvel’s animated show debuting on Disney+. While we patiently wait for its first episode, we now know a few things about some new characters, one being The Watcher. So who is The Watcher in What If…? The animated series has many twists and treats for Marvel fans. And…