
Guess Why Tom Holland Just Brought 3 Alive Chickens Home?


The only celebrity whose quarantine experience matters is our Spidey. As he was out of eggs, so he adopted a live chicken.

To counterbalance the awful experiences of some celebrities, we’ve been blessed with some uplifting news. Jeffree Star is giving out cash to those in need, Rihanna is donating $5 million to help battle coronavirus, Sophie Turner is dragging people who won’t stay home on IG Live and our Tom Holland is now the owner of three chickens because he couldn’t find any eggs.

In a bid to work around the current egg shortage in the UK due to the panic buying at supermarkets, Tom literally went out and adopted some chickens instead. No, we are not making this up. This is happening. And we can see the whole thing on Instagram.
In an update that he shared with his fans, Tom said: “With everything that’s going on, the supermarkets are all empty and there are no eggs. We had no eggs. So, we thought, to solve that, we became the owners of chickens.”

Tom now has three chickens, one called Predator (who features in his original video), one Chestnut and the other Ranger.
Tom will now rear the chickens in his back garden with the help of his family and friends. No word on when the eggs will arrive though. Sit tight. This thrilling journey is only just beginning…

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