Lucifer Season 5 Detailed Review and What To Expect Next? [SPOILER ALERT]


Lucifer season 5 part 1 released today and any fan worth their salt would’ve definitely binged all the 8 episodes from morning till now and would be waiting for the second part to release soon. I am sure you have already flooded google search with questions on when Season 5 part 2 is coming.


If you haven’t watched it yet, then don’t read the article as it has spoilers. But if there’s no way you can beg your friends or relatives for Netflix password and watch like I did then read it and get to know what happened and what to expect.

Season 5 as we already expected saw the evil (Angelic) twin brother of Lucifer taking his place on Earth and causing some distress. But our faithful brother Amendiel went to Hell just to inform his brother that Michael, his twin brother, is disrupting his former friends. We may say old, but for our dear Lucy, it was never in the past, they still very much mattered.



Chloe and Lucifer finally let go of their stubbornness and got together in simpler terms, they took their just kissing-once relationship to more than a kiss. Maze has an entirely new spin to her character, but at last, they made her back to the little soul-less demon she was in the start of the series. I hope she finds what she is in search of and not lose her friends in that quest. Amenadiel becomes a devoted father, not ready to leave Charlie’s side.

D.B. Woodside as Amenadiel

Dan or Detective Douche as our beloved Morningstar calls him was given a big revelation. I should say he took it better than I expected. Ella, our sweet Ella, hasn’t lost a shred of kindness and is there to make everyone’s day as bright and shiny as she is. And to those asking- Yes, Lucifer returns and breaks Michael’s face for what he did.

The series slowly but steadily moves with detective solving her cases and Amendiel, Lucifer and even Maze helping her crack it. The last episode is of one hour and has some severe revelations and twists.

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What I definitely felt, and I am sure many of you also missed would be Lucifer’s nonstop honest answers to every stupid thing he did, that made everyone around him think if he was just kidding. The celestial drama was there but not to the extent we wanted. When Lucifer and Dan got together and did the old school paperwork and not with Lucy’s mojo; and when Charlie stopped crying looking at Lucifer’s devil face, might be the most ordinary yet fun scenes to look at. But hey, we know we want more of this and will watch to find how and who froze time and why baby Charlie also froze!!!

Baby Charlie

Can say one thing for sure, I will be continuously googling “When is Lucifer season 5 Part 2 coming?” until they finally confirm it. Also, tell us what did you feel about Season 5 in the comments below.

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