What Was The Thunder In The Void That Made He Who Remains Scared?

What Was The Thunder In The Void That Made He Who Remains Scared?

Well, He Who Remains basically knew everything ahead of time, but the only time he didn’t know or the time he confessed he didn’t know is when Loki and Sylvie were in there and after the thunder started rumbling. Who is He Who Remains scared of? We know that whatever happened made He Who Remains…

Who Is Natasha Romanoff’s Real Mother? Endgame May Have Answered This Question!

Who Is Natasha Romanoff’s Real Mother? Endgame May Have Answered This Question!

Natasha Romanoff finally got her family reunion back. Even though she did not show it much initially, she ended up accepting the truth by the end. We now know how she ended up wearing Yelena’s vest too. This article has a lot of spoilers from the recently released Black Widow movie. Avoid it if you…

Who Is Valentina Working For? Val Is Back And Seen Recruiting Yelena Belova

Who Is Valentina Working For? Val Is Back And Seen Recruiting Yelena Belova

If you had doubts about how Yelena will be seen in the Hawkeye series, we just found out the answer from the Black Widow movie. This article contains spoilers from the recently released Black Widow movie, so proceed only if you have seen the movie or don’t bother about spoilers. Who is Yelena talking to…

Loki Episode 5: What Are Those Birds/Animals Jumping Around In The Void?

Loki Episode 5: What Are Those Birds/Animals Jumping Around In The Void?

Loki episode 5 gave us back Mobius and got Loki finally reunited with Sylvie too. Now that Mobius is armed with a glorious purpose of burning down TVA, we have many things that need answered. From Kid Loki having Thor captured in a glass bottle too when Loki will accept his feeling for Sylvie can…