
MCU Update: Who Will the MCU X-Men Go up Against?



The X-Men joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is Thanos-level inevitable, but who will they pick a fight with? One rumor states that an Avengers vs. X-Men movie is in the works, which could pit the iconic superhero factions against each other.

The groups have a longstanding history of being allies in the annals of Marvel lore, and there’s interest in exploring their topsy-turvy relationship on the big screen.

Marvel's X-Men Movie: Everything We Know

Magneto’s Return

Moreover, it’s been reported that Magneto may return in an X-Men villain superteam movie about Brotherhood of Mutants. If this project comes to fruition, then it will only be a matter of time until they butt heads with the heroes in a battle for mutant supremacy.

Of course, with the United States government already spoiling Cassandra Nova’s inclusion in “Deadpool & Wolverine,” it isn’t far-fetched to assume she could battle the X-Men.

After all, she’s essentially Professor X’s evil twin and dreams of wiping all mutants off the face of the Earth. It would be in the X-Men’s best interests to stop her, and it wouldn’t be surprising to see her start a beef with them in a future movie.


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