
Was Asha the right one for Ravi in Wedding Season?

In my opinion, No.

When Asha should have listened to Ravi’s side story, she didn’t. She ran away, thinking about her insecurities. She should have listened to his perspectives. Ravi lied to Asha, but there was a reason behind it. He didn’t want to spoil everything that had built up between him and Asha.

He worked as a DJ manager and had to lie about it as he didn’t get any chance to explain it sincerely. Also, he helped Asha get her promotion, which she found out later and thought of as charity from his side, but in reality, it was not.

Ravi’s confrontation with Asha

Ravi just wanted to help Asha and get an increase in her job as he had seen her dedication and loyalty towards her work. She loved helping people, and Ravi wanted to help her so that she could help more people and be happy. But Asha, being insecure and making decisions quickly, left Ravi when he confronted her about why he lied to her.

Yes, she listened to her after days, but I still believe that if she had listened to him sooner, then things would have been smoother than they had happened later. So, I believe she wasn’t the “right one” for him.

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