Will Gary and Madison end up together?

How unexpectedly people fall for each other, and it’s not always about the connection you feel with them, but sometimes it’s about how they help you feel connected to yourself. Gary and Madison never would have met if, against all odds, Gary would have fallen into that one cafe meeting, even if it were false.

Whatever they built together was cemented with the foundation of a lie, Gary’s different personality, to make Madison feel comfortable and content; that’s what Gary radiated to her since the beginning, and they never failed at it. But the truth had to come out someday, and the day it did, the tie seemed like it would break.

But we forgot one thing: no one knew that since the day they signed the contract to stay out of each other’s businesses, things turned out to be completely opposite and ended up being not their separate lives but a life of “US.”

The reality of Gary and Madison

They fell so hard for each other that whatever came through, they dealt with it patiently as if they had been together for months. Trust is what keeps both sides alive. It was as easy as moving one finger for Gary to get Madison in jail, but how much he started loving her made him go against the process altogether.

Gary typed out notes to save her while Madison drugged Jasper to save Gary, and together, they dealt with the end when everything seemed to be coming to an end. There, we knew that even if they both made mistakes by breaking the law, they were right the whole time when it came to falling in love with each other, through all the thicks and thins.

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