Who Killed Hunter C-20? Renslayer Lying About Sylvie Is Proving Fans’ Theory

Who Killed Hunter C-20? Renslayer Lying About Sylvie Is Proving Fans’ Theory

Whatever the truth is about the Variants and TVA, we know one thing for sure: Sylvie did not kill Hunter C-20. Who killed Hunter C-20? From the beginning of the episode, we are told that C-20 is dead, and the reason is that her mind just collapsed. We know that Renslayer is lying, and we…

Will Mobius Come Back? Fans Had An Emotional Episode Seeing Loki Lose A Best Friend

Will Mobius Come Back? Fans Had An Emotional Episode Seeing Loki Lose A Best Friend

One thing we will never get over from today’s episode is how Mobius learnt to trust Loki in the end and how painful his death was. Will Mobius come back? All this while, whoever got pruned was declared dead. We never thought that Mobius would be pruned this easily. We didn’t even see him get…

Who Created The TVA? Fake Time-Keepers Create A Lot Of Confusion

Who Created The TVA? Fake Time-Keepers Create A Lot Of Confusion

From the beginning of the series, we knew that something was off about the Time-Keepers and Renslayer. The three Space Lizards, who are mentioned to be very busy trying to maintain the Sacred Timeline, seemed a little off and stayed so much in the dark. The methods used by the TVA also sparked controversy. They…

Is Loki In Love With Sylvie? The Reason Behind The Biggest Branch Is Something Simple

Is Loki In Love With Sylvie? The Reason Behind The Biggest Branch Is Something Simple

Never in a million years did we think that Loki will fall in love with someone. But that just happened, and as in every Rom-Com movie, we saw them care for each other two. Is Loki in Love with Sylvie? If you ask us, they are a better match for each other than anyone ever…

Loki Episode 4: Why Does Mobius Like Jet Skis?

Loki Episode 4: Why Does Mobius Like Jet Skis?

If we know that Mobius thinks jet skis are cool, we have seen the episode and thus have heard Mobius explicitly answer this very question. Loki asked Mobius why he has the magazine about jet skis. Mobius responds “Because they’re awesome.” Loki prompts Mobius to say more. Mobius says: “You know, some things… actually, most things in history are kinda dumb, and everything…

Loki Episode 4: What Happens To Mobius In The Comics?

Loki Episode 4: What Happens To Mobius In The Comics?

Mr. Mobius is an administrator who works for the TIME VARIANCE AUTHORITY. He (in the comics) is a clone, produced from the same genetic material, thus all the higher-ranking administrators and officials all look identical: He was eventually promoted to an executive in senior management. The TIME VARIANCE AUTHORITY or T.V.A is an agency that…