Why You Need To Watch Daredevil Series Before The Phase 4 Movie?
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Why You Need To Watch Daredevil Series Before The Phase 4 Movie?

With the much-awaited Phase 4 of Marvel already begun with the WandaVision series, Spider-Man 3 is gearing up like every other phase 4 project. The most spoken about rumor next to the multiverse theory coming to play in Spider-Man 3 is Matt Murdock‘s appearance in the movie. Daredevil in Queens With the first-time plot of…

WandaVision: Connection Between Agatha’s Layer and Kamar Taj
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WandaVision: Connection Between Agatha’s Layer and Kamar Taj

One of the most intriguing things that happened in the latest episode of WandaVision is the walk of Wanda to Agatha’s basement. Agatha’s Basement As far as we know, it was a little creepy but filled with mysteries. Within a fraction of a second, the episode introduced her as the villain and then revealed a…

WandaVision: Dottie To Appear In This Week’s Episode
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WandaVision: Dottie To Appear In This Week’s Episode

Dottie Jones, played by Emma Caulfield, looked a lot suspicious when she first made her appearance. Drained Hype Don’t forget Dottie was the only one against Wanda inside the Wanda-made virtual world, so there were many questions back then. But the hype with ‘what she is up to?’ and ‘who she is?’ went out the…

New Merchandise Suggests Pietro Maximoff Isn’t Wanda’s Brother

New Merchandise Suggests Pietro Maximoff Isn’t Wanda’s Brother

Cool your jets! Pietro Maximoff is obviously the brother of Wanda Maximoff. Still, according to these new clues from the WandaVision merchandise, it is said that the Pietro we got in the 5th and 6th episodes might be an imposter. There are lots of unanswered questions when it comes to WandaVision. While Marvel keeps adding…

Tom Holland Responds To Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield Casting Rumors
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Tom Holland Responds To Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield Casting Rumors

Tom Holland is notoriously known for giving out spoilers. Well, he has taken after Mark Ruffalo in that area, we guess. He went from revealing small ones to suddenly revealing more significant spoilers, so Marvel always has him on a leash, and now he has gotten enough training to dodge the questions. Spider-Man 3 Fans…

“Sam Never Said He is Going To Be Captain America”-Anthony Mackie
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“Sam Never Said He is Going To Be Captain America”-Anthony Mackie

There we a lot of theories and ways we thought Falcon and the Winter Soldier would take, but this new one, which Anthony Mackie revealed, is sure to get fans thinking. Keeping up the hype With a lot in line for Marvel with these Disney Plus show’s outcome, Kevin Feige is doing everything possible to keep…

Spider-man 3: Flash Thompson’s Instagram Story Leaks Major Plot
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Spider-man 3: Flash Thompson’s Instagram Story Leaks Major Plot

One of the most awaited movies of phase 4 is, without a doubt, Spider-Man 3. The beloved neighborhood superhero is admired by so many worldwide. By leaving one of the biggest cliff-hangers in MCU history, Far From Home has people talking about it even now. With the revelation of Spider-Man’s identity, which has never happened…