Is The Dragon From Ten Rings Compound The Same As The One That Saved Shang-Chi?

Is The Dragon From Ten Rings Compound The Same As The One That Saved Shang-Chi?

We are still not aware of how powerful the pendants that Wenmu got from his kids are. Unfortunately, all we saw was a Dragon showing water circus for a while, and it went down, but clearly, that wasn’t the only thing. All we knew at first was that the pendant on both Shang Chi and…

How Did Smart Hulk Change Back To Regular Bruce Banner In Shang-Chi Post Credit Scene?

How Did Smart Hulk Change Back To Regular Bruce Banner In Shang-Chi Post Credit Scene?

Now, after Wong pulls Shawn and Katy to the library to find out more about the Ten Rings, he invites other experts in the matter. Surprise, surprise, it is Captain Marvel and Bruce Banner. The post-credit scene is already causing many theories, but one thing some might have missed is that Bruce Banner is back…

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings: Second Post-Credits Scene Explained

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings: Second Post-Credits Scene Explained

Contains spoilers for “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.” Since the dawn of the Marvel Cinematic Universe back in 2008, a handful of constants have made their way into virtually every installment. Nods to other properties in the sprawling franchise, enough quips to have you wondering just how series these movies are supposed…

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings: Ending Explained

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings: Ending Explained

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings is another great trip to the Marvel theme park. It’s an exciting story full of action and adventure, but it’s more immediately the story of Shang-Chi coming to terms with his upbringing, reconciling the good with the bad, and truly learning to harness the heart of the…

Marvel Comics’ Announcement Hint At Big Things To Come In The MCU

Marvel Comics’ Announcement Hint At Big Things To Come In The MCU

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has become the largest franchise in box office history, grossing over $22 billion worldwide thus far. That number will only climb higher and higher as Marvel moves further into its Phase Four plans and beyond. It’s a venture that will likely continue to bear fruit for Disney and Marvel Studios, as…

What If…? Episode 4: Why Can Stephen Not Prevent Christine’s Death?

What If…? Episode 4: Why Can Stephen Not Prevent Christine’s Death?

In Episode 4 of “What If…?,” we see something we haven’t seen in the series thus far. The story revolves around Dr. Stephen Strange and his love interest, Dr. Christine Palmer. From the get-go, it’s obvious this world is different than the one we know from the MCU as Stephen is head-over-heels in love with…

What If…? Episode 4: Doctor Strange Becoming The Sorcerer Supreme

What If…? Episode 4: Doctor Strange Becoming The Sorcerer Supreme

In the 4th episode of What If…? we saw Doctor Strange’s journey becoming the Sorcerer Supreme. We also witnessed the complexities of a dual timeline in one Universe. A series of events lead to exploitative outputs making Doctor battle against evil himself at the end. In the entire episode, there was a constant emphasis on…

What If..? Episode On Doctor Strange Gave The Most Gloomy Story Ever

What If..? Episode On Doctor Strange Gave The Most Gloomy Story Ever

If you thought Avengers: Infinity War was dark, the ending of What If..? episode 4 on Disney Plus has left Marvel fans in a massive state of utter shock, with one describing the Doctor Strange tale as the ‘saddest MCU story ever.’ What If..? Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead Of His Hands In the…

Watcher Broke His Own Rule For Doctor Strange And Story Doesn’t End Here
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Watcher Broke His Own Rule For Doctor Strange And Story Doesn’t End Here

In Marvel’s What If…? Episode 4, an unexpected turn of events was witnessed. Doctor Strange became a sorcerer not by losing his hands but his love Christine. Nevertheless, the death of Christine becomes a driving force for Strange later compels him to choose the dark path. Read this too: Who Was Cagliostro and How OBengh…